Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast of champions nightshade truffle and coffee

Breakfast of champions. It may not occur to people to eat a nightshade truffle first thing in the morning, but in fact, one of my favorite times to eat one is after a cup of coffee and maybe a light breakfast. Whether or not I choose to meditate following, I always find that I’m extremely ‘plugged in’ for the rest of the day. My ancestors’ presence and communication is so strong it’s like they are physically in the room and very much alive, spending the day with me, cheerfully letting me in on old secrets, and helping me see things I had missed before. It really has helped me see how much I am part of my own bloodlines' circle of life and how much that needs to be celebrated. 🥰🦢


The Sound of Silence


The Plants Are Much More Evolved Spiritually Than We Are