all nightshade truffles

All of the sacred plants we use in our nightshade truffles and other treats are organically grown or wild gathered by us or other like minded individuals in the Emporium Black Community. We practice ethical harvesting with a constant focus on what is most respectful to the plants, mother earth, and all who’ve come before, live here now, and those that will come after. All of our preparations are made with clean intentions and the mindset that I may be a bridge between the plants and the people. 

We will consider making special order truffles with a minimum order of 25

Though all of our truffles technically have the same amount of plant medicine in them, there are just some blends that when combined create something that feels so much bigger than any of the pieces. We have created this new category because it seemed that customers should be aware that some of our truffles will have a much larger feel than others even if they are the same strength. The expansion in all six directions is both balanced and palpable. Check out all of our truffles with slightly longer and much deeper experiences.

Like what we’re doing? You can donate or Buy Us a Coffee to further support the cause.
