Claiming What is Ours


There comes a point on our own path where we reach in and claim what is ours. We become ready to step into our own medicine. We become ready to step into our power. We know who we are, which can be very different from who we want to be. We embrace who we are.
We learn to listen to what comes from within and follow that guidance more than what we may find in a book or from others. We get to a point where we simply and unshakably trust what comes to us internally and then we follow that lead. Our world is filled with so much chaos, and the more we are able to trust that inner guidance, the more we will be able to question what we read and hear. The more we do this, the more we start living in our own truth.
I am grateful though that there were such people for various lengths of time who did guide me and planted these seeds within me, even if those seeds took so many years to grow. Real growth takes time, as well as the maturity that can come with it.
These sacred plant spirits and medicines we use in our gourmet chocolate truffles are so powerful and helpful when it comes to this kind of work. Though they can be used for a singular healing session, for me I walk with them daily just as I walk daily with any and all of my other ancestors, family, helpers, and guides. This sacred plant medicine is a way of life.


Trust! (Truffle Prompt)


Forming Personal Relationships with the Plants