How They’re Made

Each one of our nightshade truffles is made with endless stages of intention thoughtfully worked into them. We grow most of our own plants and make all of our own oils, tinctures and brews.

Each variety of truffle filling is handmade in small batches with hand chopped chocolate. Once cooled, the truffle filling is individually portioned by weight and then hand shaped.

Once the balls are set, each one is hand dipped in melted chocolate. As soon as each truffle is dipped, a tiny chocolate skull, each of which is meticulously hand molded one at a time in one of many colors to help identify each variety of truffle, is placed on the truffle. Once cool I give each truffle an extra dab of chocolate on the bottom (which I call their bellybuttons) to ensure a good cover which prolongs the truffle’s shelf life. After that, each truffle is hand trimmed and then placed in its own paper cup.

Brighid then wraps each truffle in the green cellophane. She assembles each little white box and carefully applies the appropriate label. Lastly she carefully tucks the little green packages into their boxes which nest our sacred plant medicine confections perfectly along with a rolled up description of that truffle. I could continue but frankly I think you all probably get the idea by now.


Sacred Plant Medicine as a Way of Life


Gratitude (Truffle Prompt)