On Knowing which Truffles to Choose


“Hello! Our truffles are great for this kind of work, but just to be clear, they won't magically fix things. You have to meet them halfway and if you do, then the path to healing, in my experience, is gentle and can often be life changing if a person is really letting go of the control. ❤

The truffles really do work differently for different people. Think of them as actual people..a bunch of elders and they each will have a different take on what you are working with but all of them are working in what is your best interest.

I encourage people to look at our various truffles with an empty mind and see if any jump out. They just stick in your head and memory. In my mind that is them calling to you subconsciously. You could also try reading through our list of truffles and then writing down from memory the ones you remember. Write them in the order that they come to you. That is them calling to you on a subconscious level.

They should all make you feel noticeably more relaxed. For me personally, the Liminal Swan and the Sky Dancer quiet my mind the most, but you may have other work that a different truffle can help you navigate and gain new perspective on. ❤

Trusting that a truffle could call out to you subconsciously is a large step in letting go of control and surrendering to the plants guidance. It a perfect basis for starting these relationships 😊” - (a recent reply to someone with severe anxiety who was asking which truffles would help their condition the most.)

Emporium Black Nightshade Truffles made with Fair Trade chocolate. Sacred Plant Medicine in Gourmet Chocolate Truffles. Every day is a ceremony. Great for retreats, part of rituals, guided meditation, holistic wellness, ceremonial experiences, & healing. Over 16,000 sold with no adverse reactions or negative experiences.💚🦢 A trans, woman, &queer owned business. 🌈 Check out our store for more info or to purchase: link in bio. International shipping is available!


Journeying with a Friend


The Humm of the Plants