Reconnecting to Ancestral Practices


The Druids: Bringing in the Mistletoe by George Henry & EA Hornel


Reconnecting to Ancestral Practices

There are several metaphors people toss around to describe the makeup of the United States. Over the years, we’ve morphed from “melting pot” imagery to that of a “salad bowl.” No matter how we look at it, though, America’s citizens and residents represent an immense array of rich cultures and powerful histories. 

Unfortunately, most of us are now far removed from our lineages and the ancestral practices from bygone generations. At Emporium Black, we believe that sacred plants can help us reconnect with our ancestors and their wisdom. We offer these plants in decadent chocolate truffles that provide a gentle opening of the mind and heart. Which plants and truffles are calling to you?

Ancestral Practices and Veneration

There is a longstanding tradition or belief in the United States that “we’re all just Americans.” While it can sound lovely on the surface, this phrase tends to discount individual histories and cultural backgrounds, as if we need to dismiss them to be considered fully American.


Rosalinda by Manny Librodo


But the truth is that reconnecting to ancestral practices and traditions is a crucial piece of self-awareness and mental wellness for many people. It’s grounding and freeing at the same time to establish and nurture the link between us, here and now, and previous generations.

For indigenous cultures worldwide, ancestral veneration and practices are integral to their beliefs and ways of life. But even those who don’t live in indigenous groups can reconnect to our ancestors and their traditions. Here are some ways to start making that connection.

Connect to Your Ancestors’ Geography 

As we’ve become mobile, transient people, many of us are physically removed from our ancestral lands, and likely have never set foot on those grounds. As much as you can, learn about the topography and geography of your ancient homelands. 

Take time to research the plants, animals, waterways, and more. All of these pieces help establish the link to our ancestors and how they lived with the earth. If possible, travel to those lands to physically connect with the soil and the landscape.

these lands help establish the link to our ancestors and how they lived with the earth.

Mother Earth by JENNESS CORTEZ


At Emporium Black, our roots lie in Europe, and we use many plants from that region in our chocolate truffles. This practice allows our truffles to help your mind open to the ancestral connections that are in your DNA.

Honor the Liminal Spaces

Establishing an ancestral practice requires us to be attentive to the in-between spaces in our lives. Dreams and meditative states allow our minds to receive messages and guidance as we connect to our ancestors and their knowledge. 

Ingesting sacred plants is a time-honored tradition in indigenous cultures. When done respectfully and authentically, this practice is ideal for spending time in those liminal spaces where you can more easily connect with your ancestors. 

Gather Stories and Traditions

If you have a safe relationship with your living relatives, spend time collecting their memories and stories. When possible, research your lineage and the journeys your ancestors took. Gather photos and records to establish timelines and connections. Each link you create will help strengthen your ancestral practices. Many people also find it helpful to take a DNA test to gain even more insight.


However and whenever you choose to reconnect to your ancestors, we wish you peace and blessings on that journey. And if you feel led to do so, we invite you to try our chocolate truffles as part of your practice. They support your emotional, spiritual, and generational healing as you travel this path.


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