Release to Receive


Art by: Robyn Waters


Try to at least temporarily let go of everything you may have already learned about a particular plant and its attributes and any other preconceived ideas about it, no matter how common the ideas may seem to be, before eating one of our nightshade truffles.

Preconceived beliefs and mindsets tend to confine potential experiences to fit into the parameters that accompany those beliefs and mindsets.

We are like the plant spirits’ children and they will develop unique and powerful relationships with each one of us as individuals. Each one of us may know sides of a plant spirit that someone else may never see because of that unique and personal connection with the plant spirit we each can have. When we approach them with nothing but love and pure intent, their love, compassion and gentleness for us is all the more clear. Give yourself the chance to form that completely special and unique relationship with the plant spirits by removing those boundaries of preconceived thoughts and opinions. The rewards in what they can teach you, show you and how deep they can heal you because of it could be well worth the effort.


Leveling Up


Breaking Free