The Puzzle of Who We Are


Artwork by Alma Haser


The puzzle of who we are. The plants in our nightshade truffles gently expand our minds which can greatly help with healing our psyches.
I can deeply empathize with the feeling of having one or two extra puzzle pieces that no matter how hard we try to figure out where they belong, they just never seem to fit in. Consequently, we never seem to feel whole or complete.

Artwork by Alma Haser

Perhaps the reason we can't find where they fit is because we assumed we had put the rest of the puzzle together correctly. Perhaps the finished image is supposed to look different from what we assumed.


Artwork by Alma Haser


Don't be afraid to take some of the pieces out and try putting them back together in a new way. You may find all of those extra pieces start fitting into the new version. You may start realizing you feel more complete and you really did have it all within you all along. Sometimes we just need the plant spirits and our ancestors to help us see more clearly. 🖤


Being Receptive to the Lessons


Reverence for Our Inner Voice