Transformative Indulgence: Common Questions


"Hi 👋🏻 I know I’m new to your page but your truffles are so intriguing. Beautiful work.

I know a bit about poison path but I’ve always been scared to try anything edible."

"Understandable. I have sold well over 20,000 truffles with no complaints of adverse reactions or negative experiences which seems to put into question a lot of the information that is presently out there. I am so completely comfortable with the safety of what I am doing at this point, I rarely even think of it anymore. I think there are a lot of people that want to keep these plants in that dark space but there is so much more to them. ❤"

"Would I have to set time aside from being full time mom to eat one?

I’m just curious is it something I should set one night aside for or more then that?"

"Nope, I'm a single parent myself so I get it. During the first half an hour to an hour I wouldn't want to drive...but I don't even drink or smoke anymore so I'm saying that as a total lightweight. The truffles don't make you out of it, they just pull you into a more heightened awareness.

I always recommend starting with just half a truffle and waiting ten minutes or so..with the kids you could do that with them in mind too..see how it feels before you continue. You could even start with a bite. but when you eat the truffle you will want quiet time because the plant spirits are subtle and if our minds are too distracted it makes it harder to tune in and some people may miss the experience altogether.

...just like an hour where the kids can try to accept you are busy..just like you may be busy reading a book. The truffles won't make you seem weird or altered.

In fact they may make you seem more relaxed, cheerful, and or even chatty, depending on the day

And for some people, in the beginning they may feel very tired but I think that's for all of those who don't get enough sleep the plant spirits are just showing people how tired they really the beginning meaning the first two or three times you work with the truffles. 

but they shouldn't make you feel hung over either. Most people feel restored..refreshed afterwards."


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