Breaking Barriers and Finding Connection (Customer Review)

Spiritual Growth Spiritual Healing Sacred Journey Truffle Experience Emporium Black Nightshade Truffles Spiritual Connection

art by Ilaria Ratti


"Hello Seamus, Firstly, I wanted to thank you for the truffles that you create. They are delicious, yes, but they helped me connect. It helped me break past some barriers that I told myself I wasn't strong enough to break down. One day in particular, I won't ever forget it, I got a message of tough love. It caught me off guard, lol, but it was loud enough for me to finally hear.
I genuinely don't think I would be where I am without the help of the truffles and the spirits that you work with.
Now, I find myself ordering truffles again, but this time to pay it forward. My partner is in the midst of crossroads, scared and lost. I can only pray that the spirits speak loud enough for them to be heard again. Thank you Seamus, have a blessed day," ~ E.H.


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