Emptying Our Cups for Bigger Revelations


I think a lot of people think they have to get to know the plants better before they can start having bigger experiences with the truffles. I think, in fact, what helps us get the most of each experience with a truffle is not how well we understand each plant, but rather to what degree can we truly surrender control to the truffle & whatever plants are in it. The truffles can help us do amazing things, not because of a specific plant was in it & we understand who that plant is, but rather because the more fully we surrender ourselves to the experience, the more we allow the truffles & these beautiful plants to lead and that really is the point of the truffles. They are the teachers, not our collaborators. Let them lead you. Let them show you new ways to think and to see. The more we can empty our cups of our preexisting paradigms, the more room there will be to receive what can be life changing insights leading to profound change and/or growth. Empty your cups before working with the plants on this level and eating a truffle. The more you are able to do this, the more they will give you. It’s that meeting them half way thing. They have so much to give and all of that letting go and surrendering on our part is what we bring to the table to show them we are serious in our desire to work with them. 🖤


Truffle photo by an early customer who has grown to become a dear friend over the years. 🖤


Searching for Ancestral Roots and Connection


A Magickal Weekend