Into The Liminal, Into The Ethers


I'm working on a new series of posts for Emporium Black. Its crazy trying to figure out how to market a product like these and I realize my tendency to “please and appease” has really gotten in the way of all of this. I always got hung up on what words to use to correctly describe the indescribable and today it finally clicked that the reason certain words were right wasn't because they were the ones the cool kids used, but because they came deep from within, they are the words whispered into our souls.

These truffles are great for taking us to the liminal, to the Ethers, to the portals of both everything and nothingness. Whether you use them as a gateway to the unconscious or something more magical and/or esoteric, this quality to me is one of the greatest gifts of these truffles. We all have our own gifts and those of us who are called to work with these plants are called to work with them in different ways, ways that reverberate with our own unique gifts. Simultaneously walking in two worlds has been my way since childhood and as I age and find more clarity I find that the medicines that call to me always reverberate with this intrinsic piece of myself. When these plants first called to me and told me to give them back to the people it was with an underlying understanding that I needed to give them back in the way my medicine and their medicine danced as one. Like most medicine gifts, these abilities can be difficult to teach..and maybe that's what makes our special gifts so special..they really aren't for everyone. But by using these plants that I use in these truffles I am able to help others walk in two worlds because the plants teach the lessons that I am unable. Finding and understanding what gift are truly and uniquely our own can be a lifetime process and these truffles can be a great way to learn, process, and then integrate these many layers of discovery.


Elevating the Ordinary


on Combining Truffle Varieties