Life-Changing Relief: A Customer's Journey with the Pleiadean Moon Truffle (Customer Review)

Spiritual Alchemy Compassionate Moon Pleiadean Moon Natural Healing Gratitude Life Changing Plant Medicine Spiritual Healing Holistic Health Gourmet Indulgence Occult Practices Personal Transformation Customer Success Emporium Black

sculpture by Agathon Leonard

"I also want to let you know, something profound occurred after a 2 day session with the Compassionate Moon truffle. After 6 months of nonstop pain, I woke up yesterday for the first time in that 6 months, pain free and with an improved outlook and tolerance to my pain. I could hug you right now, I was in a very dark place, and I can’t contribute this shift to anything or anyone other than your plant medicine, and God himself. Thank you so much. I think I’ll be getting more of the Compassionate Moon, as the shift and insight it brought about were in a very literal sense, lifesaving." ~ customer review by N.L. (The Compassionate Moon recently reverted to its original name, The Pleiadean Moon, but the recipe is identical-Seamus)


"Transformative Experience with the Pleiadean Moon Truffle" (Customer Review)

