Unwrapping Our Spiritual Gifts


Art by Josie Wren


A friend/customer was asking if I could share information about a connection they heard of between Datura and a certain animal spirit medicine as they carry that animal spirit medicine themselves.

“It's great that you get that from your personal relationship from Datura. If that's what Datura told you, it's part of your relationship and connection with the plant, but in general I am not a fan of making generalized associations or classifications of what a plant medicine is or isn't...just like animal spirits. Coyote means very different things to different people (and different tribes)...just like Datura means different things to different people (and tribes). The Coyote is near and dear to my heart but my relationship and what I've learned from Coyote medicine over the years is very different from how I often see it described but it doesn't mean either version is wrong. I think when we carry specific medicines they are for us to slowly unwrap and understand over a lifetime. We'd be missing the gift that they are if we could just look this stuff up on Google or read it in a book. ”


Strengthening Our Connection with the Plants During Our Experiences


Sacred Plant Medicine as a Way of Life