An Appeal to the Subconscious

An Appeal to the Subconscious. The nightshades I use in these chocolate truffles naturally mesh with that place of inner guidance/inner truth we all have. The descriptions for the truffles are metaphorical and hopefully appeal to the subconscious to help people hear which ones are presently calling to them. It can be hard sometimes to let go of our analytical consciousness and that need/want to process these things in a more rigid & academic way, but again that is just what these truffles help with. There is a learning curve to working with them and the more you work with them the more you should get from them. I specifically do mention the truffles because yes, it is the plants I am also talking about, but the things I am talk about doing with them comes with the ingestion of the plants and the doing so in amounts quite a bit higher than essences and homeopathic offerings but still found to be safe. (based on the over 20,000 truffles already sold)


A Magickal Weekend


Ceremonial Tattoos and Piercings Using Truffles